SURUTTO-KANSAI (スルッと関西) ~ Prepaid Card for Trains and Buses in Kansai area ~

SURUTTO-KANSAI (スルッと関西) card is issued by Kintetsu railway and enables you ride on subway, private railways and buses in Kansai area. You can use the train or bus without going through the troublesome task of checking the complicated rate table to buy tickets and you won’t need to buy another ticket every time you make connections.
*Excluding JR lines and Nara Koutsu Bus, Check the map for the available trains and busses.
< How to use >
1) Insert your card into an automatic ticket gate at your boarding station.
2)Date, time and name of the boarding station are printed on the back side.
3)Remember to insert your card into an automatic ticket gate at your destination.
4)Place of your destination and remaining amount are printed on the back side.
*Also, you can purchase tickets with your SURUTTO-KANSAI card at a ticket-vending machine instead of money.
< Where to buy >
It’s available at any ticket-vending machines marked with a little witch or ticket offices.
1)Put money into a ticket-vending machine.
2)Press the button of スルッと関西 (SURUTTO-KANSAI).
3)Select a button which you wish to buy. (1000 yen, 3000 yen and 5000 yen are available.)
*The card doesn't have expiration date therefore you can use it until all amount of money on your card is gone also it's not refundable.
< What to do >
< When your card doesn't have any space on the back side >
1)Insert the card into a ticket-vending machine and a new card with your remaining amount come out.
< When your card doesn't have enough amount to your destination >
1)Insert your card into an automatic ticket gate at your boarding station as usual.
2)Use a fare adjustment at your destination. (*)
3)Pay the balance by cash or a new card if you have.
4)Your card is given back and you get a ticket.
5)Use an automatic ticket gate with the ticket.
(*) If there is an automatic ticket gate in red which is acceptable 2 cards, you can put the card and a new card together into it instead of using the fare adjustment
< When you wish to use a card along with your commuting pass >
~ If you get on a train with your card from outside of your commuting pass zone.~
1)Insert your commuting pass and the card together into a fare adjustment, and you get a ticket. (*)
2)Use an automatic ticket gate with the ticket.
(*) If there is an automatic ticket gate in red which is acceptable 2 cards, you can insert the commuting pass and the card together into it instead of using the fare adjustment.
~ If you take a train with your commuting pass and wish to get off outside of the commuting zone. ~
1)Insert your commuting pass first then your card into a fare adjustment, and you get a ticket. (*)
2)Use an automatic ticket gate with the ticket.
(*) If there is an automatic ticket gate in red which is acceptable 2 cards, you can insert the commuting pass andthe card together into it instead of using the fare adjustment.

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Last Update: September 1, 2008