Commuting by car and bicycle

Commuting by car

 People who wish to commute by car must join voluntary insurance and the amount of insurance must be below.
・Bodily injury liability: More than 100,000,000 yen
・Property damage liability: More than 3,000,000 yen
 Necessary documents to submit :
- A copy of your driver's license
- A copy of a certificate of voluntary insurance
- A copy of a car registration
- A copy of an automobile liability
 Monthly commuting expense will be as follows :
・Less than 5km: 4,000 yen
・More than 5 km and less than 10km: 8,000 yen
 Notes :
*The distance from Takanohara Ekinishi Danchi and Nakatomi Danchi to ATR is less than 5km.
*No commuting expenses will be paid if the distance is less than 2km.
*A parking permit which will be issued after the application should be placed where can be seen from outside of the car when you park every time.
*Internship students are not allowed to commute by car.
*An application will be necessary to change the way of commuting.

Commuting by bicycle

    People who wish to commute by bicycle must join liability insurance which compensate damages to other people.
(From 1st April, all cyclists need to join bicycle insurance if you ride a bicycle within Kyoto Prefecture.)
 Necessary documents to submit:
- A copy of an insurance certificate
 Monthly commuting expense will be as follows:
・Less than 5km: 2,000 yen
・More than 5km and less than 10km: 2,600 yen
*Internship students are not allowed to commute by car.

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Last Update: May 18,2020