Medical Information
- Insured of a private insurance provided by ATR: 30% of medical expenses and the cost of medicines
- In case you have not received your health insurance card yet: 100% of medical expenses and the cost
of medicines first, and then get a refund through your lab (Dental diseases,
chronic diseases and whiplash and lumbago with no objective symptoms are not covered by the insurance.)
List of Hospitals/Clinics
General Hospitals
Emergency medical service is available even out of hours at each of the hospitals shown below.
Reception procedures are complicated and an English speaking doctor might not be available,
so it's recommended to go there with an accompanying person who understands Japanese.
Takanohara Central Hospital
(高の原中央病院 Takanohara Chuo Byoin)
- Departments: General Medicine&Internal Medicine 総合診療科・内科,
Respiratory Medicine 呼吸器内科, Gastroenterology 消化器内科, Neurology 脳神経内科,
Cardiology 循環器内科, Hematology 血液内科, Nephrology 腎臓内科, Surgery 外科, Cardiovascular Surgery 心臓血管外科,
Orthopedics 整形外科, Plastic Surgery 形成外科, Neurosurgery 脳神経外科, Urology 泌尿器科, Obstetrics and Gynecology 産婦人科,
Pain Clinic 麻酔科, Radiology 放射線科, Otolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科、Rehabilitation
- Reception Hours: 8:00 - 11:45 (13:45 - 15:45 for Wednesday's Otolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科), 14:00-16:00 for Wednesday's Otolaryngology耳鼻咽喉科
- Closed: Sundays, Public Holidays incl. end of year holiday
- Location: Next to Sun-Town Shopping Center near Takanohara Station of Kintetsu Line
- Tel: 0742-71-1030
Gakken City Hospital
(学研都市病院 Gakken Toshi Byoin)
- Departments: Orthopedics 整形外科, Spine and Spinal Cord Center 脊髄・脊椎センター, Artificial Joint Center 人工関節センター,
Surgery 外科, Neurosurgery 脳神経外科, Urology 泌尿器科, Internal Medicine 内科, Gastroenterology 消化器科,
Cardiovascular Medicine 循環器内科, General Medicine 総合内科, Respiratory Medicine 呼吸器内科, Neurology 神経内科,
Ophthalmology 眼科, Pediatrics 小児科, Dermatology 皮膚科, Rehabilitation リハビリテーション科, >Radiology 放射線科,
Medical checkup Center 健診センター, Medical Treatment 療養診療, Anesthesiology 麻酔科
- Reception Hours: 7:30 - 12:00
- Closed: Sundays, Public Holidays, December 31 - January 3
- Location: About 2.5 km east of ATR (in front of a bus stop, "Tochinoki Dori トチノ木通り)
- Tel: 0774-98-2123
Kyoto Yamashiro General Medical Center
(京都山城総合医療センター Kyoto Yamashiro Sougou Iryo Center)
- Departments:Internal Medicine 内科(General Medicine 総合内科、Diabetes/Metabolism糖尿病・代謝内科、Respiratory 呼吸器内科、
Neurology 神経内科, Respiratory 呼吸器内科, Digestive system 消化器内科、Cardiovascular 循環器内科、Rheumatoid リウマチ科)、
Kidney Internal Medicine 腎臓内科、Cranial Nerve Internal Medicine 脳神経内科、Pediatrics 小児科、Surgery 外科
(Digestive system 消化器外科、Mammary gland/Endocrine 乳腺・内分泌外科、Pediatrics 小児外科、Respiratory 呼吸器外科)、
Orthopedics 整形外科、Neurosurgery 脳神経外科、Dermatology 皮膚科、Urology 泌尿器科、Radiology 放射線科、Anesthesia 麻酔科、
Obstetrics and Gynecology 産婦人科、Ophthalmology 眼科、Otolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科、Rehabilitation リハビリテーション科、Emergency Medicine 救急部
- Reception Hours: 8:30 - 11:30
- Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays, December 29 - January 3
- Location: In front of JR Line Kizu Station or 10 min. bus from Kintetsu Yamadagawa Station
- Tel: 0774-72-0235
- Actual Visitor's Comments:Wanted
Shiraniwa Hospital (白庭病院 Shiraniwa Byoin)
- Departments: Internal Medicine 内科, Surgery 外科, Orthopedics 整形外科,Neurosurgery 脳神経外科,
Ophthalmology 眼科, Urology 泌尿器科, Dermatology 皮膚科, Anesthesia 麻酔科, Rehabilitation リハビリテーション科, Joint Center 関節センター,
Spine Center 脊椎センター, Hand Surgery 手外科, Stroke/Cerebral Spinal Cord Disease 脳卒中・脳脊椎疾患センター, Respiratory/Apnea Outpatient
呼吸器・無呼吸外来, Smoking Cessation 禁煙外来, Second Opinion Outpatient セカンドオピニオン外来, Osteoporosis 骨粗鬆症外来
- Reception Hours:8:30 - 12:00 (Mon.-Sat.)
- Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays, New Year Holiday
- Location: In front of Shiraniwadai Station of Kintetsu Line.
- Tel: 0743-70-0022
- Actual Visitor's Comments: The doctor of Surgery spoke English, and the nurses are very frendly.
Internal Medicine (内科 Naika)
Tsunamoto Clinic (つなもと医院 Tsunamoto Iin)
- Also Pediatrician
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon.-Sat.)
- Appointment: Preferable
- Access: Walk west along the street in front of Ekinishi-danchi, turn right at the first intersection without a signal, Next to post office
- Tel: 0774-71-5400
- Actual Visitor's Comments: I could communicate with the doctor in English well
Hirata Internal Medicine Clinic (平田内科医院 Hirata Naika Iin)
- Also Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Smoking Cessation
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. Sat.)& 17:00-19:00 (Mon. Tue. Fri.)
- Appointment: Preferable
- Access: Walk 700m west along the street in front of ATR, turn left at an intersection a police box is locate, and go 400m straight.
- Tel: 0774-95-3400
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Nishikimi Clinic (錦見医院 Nishikimi Iin)
- Also Pediatric and Radiology
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sun.) & 17:00-19:00 (Mon. Wed. Fri.)
- Appointment: Prefarable
- Access: Walk along a path to Ekihigashi/Ekihigashi-daini danchi from Takanohara Station,
turn left at a crossroad just before the entrance of Ekihigashi-daini-danchi, and go straight 100m.
- Tel: 0774-72-5860
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Matsuo Medical Clinic of Internal Medicine (まつお内科消化器科 Matsuo Naika)
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon. - Sat.), 12:00-16:00 (Mon. - Fri.), 16:00-19:00 (Mon.- Fri.)
- Appointment: Preferable (by phone: 0742-31-9081 or online)
- Location: On the 3rd floor of "recolax Tomigaoka リコラス 登美ヶ丘" in front of the train station of Gakken-nara-tomigaoka.
- Tel: 0742-52-8551
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Dentistry (歯科 Shika)
Yamamura Dental Clinic (やまむらデンタルクリニック
- Open: 9:00-12:00 &16:00-19:30 (Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri.), 9:30-14:00 (Sat. Sun.)
- Appointment: Necessary/li>
- Location: 500m west along the street from ATR, enter left path after the first corner of Keihanna Plaza bus stop Map
- Tel: 0120-214-314 (For appointment), 0774-93-4755
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Sumioka Dental Clinic (住岡歯科 Sumioka Shika)
- Open: 9:30-12:30 & 14:30-19:30 (Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri.), 9:30-12:30 & 14:30-18:00 (Sat.)
- Appointment: Preferable
- Location: 800m west along the street from ATR, turn left at th eintersection of Hikaridai Koban Mae, continue another block to south
- Tel: 0774-95-0986
- Actual Visitor's Comments: The dentist had a very good attitude and spoke enough English to make it clear what he wanted. He explained what he was doing,
which was very reassuring.
Yamanaka Dental Clinic やまなか歯科 Yamanaka Shika)
- Open: 9:00-12:30 & 15:00-19:00 (Mon.-Fri.), 9:00-12:30 (Sat.)
- Appointment: Necessary (by phone: 0742-31-9081 or online)
- Location: On the 3rd floor of "recolax Tomigaoka Clinic Mall リコラス 登美ヶ丘" in front of the train station of Gakken-nara-tomigaoka
- Tel: 0742-45-0710
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Otolaryngology (耳鼻咽喉科 Jibiinkoka)
Yamamoto Otolaryngology & Plastic Surgery Clinic
(山本耳鼻科・形成外科 Yamamoto Jibika Keiseigeka)
- Open: 9:30-12:30 (Mon. Tue. Thu.) & 16:30-19:30 (Mon. Wed. Thu.), 9:30-12:30 (Tue. Sat.)
- Appointment: Necessary
- Location: 500m west along the street from ATR Map
- Tel: 0774-98-3339
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Nakai Otolaryngology Clinic (中井耳鼻科 Nakai Jibika)
- Open: 8:30-11:45 (Mon. - Sat.)& 15:30-18:45 (Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri.)
- Appointment: No need for the first visit
- Access: Go out of the north exit of Gakuenmae Station of Kintetsu Line, walk into an alley between NTT Bldg.
and a bank, Nara Shinyo Kinko (奈良信用金庫) to the east, turn right at the first crossroad.
- Tel: 0742-46-2668
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Nakazawa Otolaryngology Clinic
(なかざわ耳鼻咽喉科医院 Nakazawa Jibiinkouka Iin)
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon. - Fri.)& 16:00-19:15 (Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri.), 9:00 - 12:30 (Sat.)
- Appointment: Preferable (by phone: 0742-31-9081 or online)
- Location: On the 3rd floor of "recolax Tomigaoka リコラス 登美ヶ丘" in front of the bus stop of Gakken-nara-tomigaoka.
- Tel: 0742-53-7714
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted
Orthopedics (整形外科 Seikeigeka)
Yamamoto Orthopedics Clinic
(山本整形外科 Yamamoto Seikeigeka)
- Open: 9:00-12:00 (Mon.-Sat.)& 16:15-19:30 (Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri.)
- Appointment: Preferable
- Location: 100m north along the street in front of Hosono Station of JR & Shinhosono Station of Kintetsu,
inbetween Seika Garden City Mall and Daihatsu car dealer Map
- Tel: 0774-98-3555
- Actual Visitor's Comments : could communicate with the doctor in English well.
Kawahara Orthopedics Clinic
(河原医院 Kawahara Iin)
- Open: 9:00-12:30 (Mon. - Sat.)& 16:00-19:00 (Mon. Wed. Thu. Fri.)
- Appointment: Preferable
- Location: On the way to Gakken-nara-tomigaoka Sta. from Nakatomi-daisan-danchi
- Tel: 0742-44-1795
- Actual Visitor's Comments: Wanted: The doctor spoke good English, communication was not a problem.
Other staff, may be was not very good at English.
Dermatology (皮膚科 Hifu Ka)
Mituya dermatology Clinic
(みつや皮膚科 Mituya Hihuka)
- Open: 9:00-11:30(Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. Sat.) &16:00-18:30 (Tue. Thu. Fri.)
- Location: Near Nakatomidanchi bus stop Map
- Tel: 0742-40-3200
- Actual Visitor's Comments: could communicate with the doctor in English.