Press Release


January 24, 2019

Keihanna Research Complex
Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
Kansai Bureau International Affairs Division

Keihanna RC Signs MoU with Israel Innovation Authority for Global Partnership
~ Acceleration of the development of the Keihanna Innovation Ecosystem ~

Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute (KRI) and Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) , the core organizations of the Keihanna Research Complex (RC), had proactively been creating global projects with Israel. In response to this gain of momentum, they decided to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Israel Innovation Authority (IIA). The signing ceremony was held in the JIIN (Japan Israel Innovation Network) business forum on January 15 as a feature of JIIN Israel Japan Festival in Jerusalem, Israel from January 14 to 16. This MoU was concluded with respect to the memorandum of cooperation between Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kansai Bureau International Affairs Division (METI-KANSAI) and IIA agreed in November 2017. METI-KANSAI will thus support the Keihanna RC’s activities to strengthen the collaborative relationship between Japan and Israel.

About Keihanna Research Complex (RC)
Keihanna Science City has been constructed under a Japanese national project, and 30 years have passed since its construction began. Currently, there are more than 130 research laboratories, universities and companies located in this area, and these have been achieving many leading-edge outcomes in research and development. Now that the city has entered its next phase, the Keihanna Research Complex project, called Keihanna RC, is stimulating organizations in this area to cooperate with others, both within and outside the area, in the pursuit of world-class innovations. The project is being promoted with a variety of tools: integrated R&D in different fields; human resources development; commercialization support; equipment sharing; and an innovation hub & overall promotion.

About Israel Innovation Authority (IIA)
The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), an independent publicly funded agency, was thus created to provide a variety of practical tools and funding platforms aimed at effectively addressing the dynamic and changing needs of the local and international innovation ecosystems. This includes early-stage entrepreneurs, mature companies developing new products or manufacturing processes, academic groups seeking to transfer their ideas to the market, global corporations interested in collaborating with Israeli technology, Israeli companies seeking new markets abroad and traditional factories and plants seeking to incorporate innovative and advanced manufacturing into their businesses.

About JIIN (Japan Israel Innovation Network)

About Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute (KRI)
・Location: Keihanna Plaza, Laboratory Bldg. 3F, 1-7 Hikaridai Seika-cho, Sorakugun, Kyoto, Japan (Kansai Science City)
 KRI is a public corporation established for the purpose of promoting construction of the science city.
・President: Yasuo Kashihara (Vice-Chairman of Kansa Economic Federation)

About Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
・Location: 2-2-2 Hikaridai Seika-cho, Sorakugun, Kyoto, Japan (Kansai Science City)
Aiming to promote innovations and contribute to regional revitalization, ATR pursues world-leading, ingenious research achievements in computational neuroscience, life-supporting robots, wireless communications, and life science as well as their business developments, in collaboration between industry, academia and government.
・President: Tohru Asami


・Keihanna Research Complex (RC)
 Contact person: Morita or Yamato
 TEL: 0774-95-5047
・Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kansai Bureau International Affairs Division
 Contact person: Morishita, Hirata, Fujita, or Yoshida