Event Information

ATR Open House

ATR Open House has been held every Autumn since the year after ATR's foundation with the aim of announcing our R&D results.

ATR Open House 2024
Date:Thursday, October 3rd・Thursday, October 4th
Place: ATR (2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto)
Contents: Exhibition and lecture on research results and business development
(The lecture will be streamed live)
Home Page:Japanese

≫History of an open house
ATR Open House 2023ATR Open House 2022ATR Open House 2021ATR Open House 2020
ATR Open House 2019ATR Open House 2018ATR Open House 2017ATR Open House 2016
ATR Open House 2015ATR Open House 2014ATR Open House 2013ATR Open House 2012
ATR Open House 2011ATR Open House 2010ATR Open House 2009ATR Open House 2008



ATR’s outcome to be presented at IGF2023 Networking Session #104
Title: IGF 2023 Networking Session #104 Bridging Connectivity Gaps and Harnessing e-Resilience
Date and time: October 9th (Monday) 8:30-9:30 (morning, Japan time)
Location: WS 9 – Room C-2, Kyoto International Conference Center
Overview of the session: “Connect the unconnected” is the top priority for ITU right now.
Solving this issue is a “MUST” for preventing an immeasurable negative disparity impact that may follow the rapid development of Open AI and AGI. We must, by all means, prevent the division of global society from becoming irreversible soon.
Networking Session #104 will be a place to present the unique concrete Japanese technology solution and discuss its significance, and we believe it will be one of the most important sessions at IGF2023. In this session, Japan will address this issue head-on, and we will hear from India, the Philippines, Nepal, about their expectations for the solution that Japan has unprecedentedly developed, standardized, and demonstrated to support disconnected areas and unconnected areas. Japanese developers (ATR and Global Plan Inc.) will be involved in a full-fledged presentation and discussion on the core of field deployment.
This solution allows you to quickly and inexpensively install Wi-Fi hotspots with local communication functions in depopulated areas and disaster-stricken areas in a way that allows you to easily, quickly and affordably install multiple highspeed Wi-Fi hotspots in an inter-connected and coordinated manner. This is currently a promising solution to rapidly, affordably and practicably connect the Internet refugees, who still make up one-third of the world's population.
We believe this is a core solution in the communications field today in promoting infrastructure investment, including private funds, under the G7 Hiroshima Summit's PGII (Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment).



BICR Mini Symposium
Date:December 16, 2022 (Fri) 13:15-1900
Venue;1FWS-A (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR))
U R L:https://bicr.atr.jp/decnef/bicr-mini-symposium/


The 2nd International Symposium on Human InformatiX -Sensing, Modeling and Controlling Omics in Biomedicine-.
Date:October 24, 2022
Registration REQUIRED: https://human-informatix.atr.jp/registration/
Organized by:Thomas N. Sato, Ph.D.



The 1st International Symposium on Human InformatiX -X-Dimensional Human Informatics and Biology-" will be held on February 27-28, 2020.
Venue:ATR Conference Room ☞Access
Registration REQUIRED: https://human-informatix.atr.jp/registration/
Organized by:Thomas N. Sato, Ph.D.


Brain AI Mini Workshop
 ⇒Brain AI Mini Workshop(9th)
 Date & Time: April 24th (Wed.) 13:00 - 16:50



Neuroscience and Machine Learning for Advanced Intelligence
 ⇒Mini Workshop “Neuroscience and Machine Learning for Advanced Intelligence”


Brain AI Mini Workshop
 ⇒Brain AI Mini Workshop(Schedule)



Call for Abstracts: real-time functional imaging and neurofeedback conference (rtFIN2017)
Abstract submission deadline has been extended to July 29, 2017.
Date & Time: November 29 to Friday, December 1st, 2017
Venue: Nara Kasugano International Forum Iraka



Keihanna Research Complex “i-Brain x ICT: Global Research Complex to Create a Meta-Comfort and Smart Society” Opening Symposium
Date & Time: March 27, 2017 10:00 ~ 19:20
Venue: Keihanna Open Innovation Center(KICK)


ATR DecNef Workshop will be held on Dec. 6th.
We are pleased to announce that ATR DecNef Workshop will be held as below. Dr. Hakwan Lau from UCLA and other researchers will present their latest research activities and results. Please participate if you are interested.
*No Admission Charge
*Pre-Registration Required
Please send your name, affiliation, and Email address tobicr-con@atr.jp
 ⇒Workshop and Program details


ATR mini symposium on Sensorimotor Control and Robotics
 ⇒ATR mini symposium on Sensorimotor Control and Robotics


telenoid-planning.jp exhibit for It is - right around Mig-Ra-I - living and robot exhibition of the 20th anniversary of Shinjuku Takashimaya opening of a store
 ⇒TAKASHIMAYA Shinjuku Store


Union of Kansai Governments where Kansai Health, Medical care creation meeting symposium medical treatment and the artificial intelligence to which I contribute healthily is held on May 31, 2016
Dr. Morimoto of the Computational Neuroscience Laboratories gives a lecture
Kansai Health, Medical care creation meeting Holding of a symposium medical treatment and the artificial intelligence to which I contribute healthil


 ⇒Smart City Messe in Keihanna


第6回 CiNetシンポジウム
 ⇒第6回 CiNetシンポジウム