
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)

    Tohru Asami,
ATR unveils its new corporate identity after 37 groundbreaking years(atr_e.html). Embracing the rapid pace of ICT research, we are pivoting toward rebirth as a dynamic institution committed to tackling societal challenges and nurturing innovation, while still advancing our foundational pursuits.

Japan must grapple with a stark reality: Half its workforce languishes as non-regular employees, often denied avenues for growth. The consequent decline in skills not only imperils individual fulfillment but also undermines socio-economic stability. The imperative of digital transformation with workstyle reform lies in confronting this pressing societal dilemma head-on.

Even in the popular fervor of the third AI boom, catalyzed by generative AI, fears of the singularity loom large. But our focus must transcend mere technological prowess. We envision a society where each individual harnesses and masters such ongoing advancements, unlocking boundless human potential and fostering a life of brilliance.

At the Osaka-Kansai Expo, ATR will champion the concept of an avatar-symbiosis society. Pioneering a harmonious coexistence between science, technology, and humanity, we are embarking upon a journey of true innovation. Join us as we shape the future together.

To our supporters and well-wishers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your unwavering encouragement fuels our mission and propels us toward greater heights.

Tohru Asami, President
July 2024